Monday 9 March 2015

San Francisco Trip 2014

Remembering my grand children is now my favourite pastime. I see a child close to their age it immediately catches my attention. It surprises me, I was never very child loving kind of person. This dramatic change came in me with the birth of my first grandchild, Varun. It flowered  in me springs of emotions which were lying buried very deep as my own babies grew into kids, teens, young adults and ultimately into fully grownup individuals

My darling is sick :(

Aarohi is unwell and was given steroids. I was restless till I was reassured by Shruti and Malhar that she is improving. A doll like Choti,  always full of life and action, getting sick was beyond my imagination.
It was a real relief when Shruti posted her photo making a mess of her kitchen.

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The little naughty girl is up and about once again. God bless her.