Monday 27 August 2012

Thinking of life in general when a person becomes spouse-less. Whatever time is left of the togetherness is to be utilized and enjoyed - nothing new I said. My point is that this time may be fruitfully used for the preparation to live alone, mentally and physically.
The mental tuning to the idea takes a longer time than the physical. I think I have to start doing the following gradually.
- Develop relationship around I live.
- Make more friends.
- Look for the contacts which are lost due to the carelessness of youth, engrossing pressures of maintaining family and work.
- Develop or create some hobbies. I find internet quite alluring and engrossing, at least for the time being.
- Keep doing some house chores without taking much help of the house maids. I find bit of cooking satisfying as it makes me eat what I like. Avi and I still get the food from outside often but after 2-3 days I get bored of the expected taste. Lets me see how long I will be able to cook, Health permitting I will keep cooking for long.
- I have to create interest in TV viewing which is minimal now. I have experienced how Ma and Papa passed    many hours of the day with TV.
- Writing mails conventional or otherwise.
The most hateful job for me would be taking care of the finances all by myself. Avi has been insisting me to take over which I am avoiding to the best of my efforts. My MISTAKE \I will have to do this sooner than later.
- Taking care of health by regular walks, exercise, yog, asanas etc and taking health food. Some positive steps I have take in this direction. Much more is needed.


It has been ages that I could write anything on my blog. It was not that nothing was happening neither I was lazy. It  was my activity on FB and other social commitments that I clean forgot that I have such thing like this blog where I can be more expressive.

So  much is happening all around me that it is difficult to make a start.

Just now I have seen press conference of BJP on the statements made by PM in the parliament today. I also heard that Congress is thinking of bringing confidence motion next week. Congress knows that they have numbers on their side and they can get away with their loot just being in majority. MIGHT IS  RIGHT. This is the biggest mockery or the flaw of democracy.