Monday 27 August 2012

Thinking of life in general when a person becomes spouse-less. Whatever time is left of the togetherness is to be utilized and enjoyed - nothing new I said. My point is that this time may be fruitfully used for the preparation to live alone, mentally and physically.
The mental tuning to the idea takes a longer time than the physical. I think I have to start doing the following gradually.
- Develop relationship around I live.
- Make more friends.
- Look for the contacts which are lost due to the carelessness of youth, engrossing pressures of maintaining family and work.
- Develop or create some hobbies. I find internet quite alluring and engrossing, at least for the time being.
- Keep doing some house chores without taking much help of the house maids. I find bit of cooking satisfying as it makes me eat what I like. Avi and I still get the food from outside often but after 2-3 days I get bored of the expected taste. Lets me see how long I will be able to cook, Health permitting I will keep cooking for long.
- I have to create interest in TV viewing which is minimal now. I have experienced how Ma and Papa passed    many hours of the day with TV.
- Writing mails conventional or otherwise.
The most hateful job for me would be taking care of the finances all by myself. Avi has been insisting me to take over which I am avoiding to the best of my efforts. My MISTAKE \I will have to do this sooner than later.
- Taking care of health by regular walks, exercise, yog, asanas etc and taking health food. Some positive steps I have take in this direction. Much more is needed.

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